Quest (beta)

This subobject enables the Stagecast quests in your Moment


If you are implementing a Quest, you can take advantage of the quiz API:s. These offer a set of utilities to create users, fetch and answer challenges and see the top results. You can also hand out prizes (see Prize (beta)).

To enable the quiz in your WebApp you have to add the quest plugin to the list of plugins in your manifest.json.

The Quest will soon replace the Quiz.

"plugins": [ ..., "prizes", "quest" ] 

The Quest is an object similar to the Quiz, but much more general, in order to account for many different Moment use cases. Among them, the Quest includes quizzes. The "question" entity that you find in the Quiz, it's referred to as "challenge" in the Quest.

API Docs

setContext(questId:string): Promise<Quest>

This is the first function you should call in order to initialize the quest service. All the following calls will not require the questId.


  • questId: the id of the quest to be fetched; You will find the questId in the SDK config params.

const { questId } = await SDK.connection.getMomentClass(); 

getQuest(): Promise<Quest>

  .then(quest => console.log(quest))
  .catch(err => console.error(err)); 
/* prints

  "id": "abc123",
  "title": "Test Quest",
  "event": "abc123",
  "seriesDuration": 180000,
  "challengeDuration": 20000,
  "challengeCount": 5,
  "prizesPerSeries": 1,
  "challengesPerRound": 3,
  "maxRoundsPerSeries": 200,
  "seriesPlayed": 388


getChallenge(id): Promise<ChallengeItem>


  • id: the challenge id;

  .then(challenge => console.log(challenge))
  .catch(err => console.error(err)); 

respondToChallenge(questionHash, answer): Promise<AnswerScore>


  • questionHash: string: the id of the content to be fetched;

  • answer: number: if the content should be compressed or full size.

let question;
let answer = 2

// fetch the question...
  .then(q => question = q)
  .catch(err => console.error(err)); 
// ... after a few seconds the user selects the answer
  .answerQuestion(question.hash, answer)
  .then(answer => console.log(answer))
  .catch(err => console.error(err)); 
/* prints: 
  "correctAnswers": [2],
  "questionPoints": 18707,
  "totalPoints": 18707

getTopScores(offset?, limit?): Promise<TopScores>


  • offset: the starting position;

  • limit: the number of positions to be fetched.

  // fetch the first 50 users
  .getTopScores(0, 50)
  .then(scores => console.log(scores))
  .catch(err => console.error(err)); 
/* prints: 
  "leaderboard": [{
    "userId": "",
    "name": "User#9265",
    "bestScore": 52187,
    "position": 1
    "userId": "",
    "name": "User#1356",
    "bestScore": 50187,
    "position": 2
  }, ..., {
    "userId": "",
    "name": "Baduser#1306",
    "bestScore": 10187,
    "position": 50

getUserScores(): Promise<LeaderboardEntry>

  .then(myOwn => console.log(myOwn))
  .catch(err => console.error(err)); 
/* prints:

  "userId": "",
  "name": "User#9265",
  "bestScore": 52187,
  "position": 1


getUserProfile(): Promise<Profile>

It fetches the user profile information

  .then(profile => console.log(profile))
  .catch(err => console.error(err)); 
/* prints

  "userId": "",
  "name": "User#9265",
  "points": 52187,
  "bestScore": 52187,
  "momentId": "abc123",
  "prizes": null,
  "questionsAnswered": 0,
  "roundsPlayed": 0,
  "totalRoundsPlayed": 7,
  "totalQuestionsAnswered": 0


setUserProfile(profile): Promise<Profile>

Allow to set the user display information. Generally used to set the user name.

// You are not allowed to change the reserved fields like `points` or `bestScore`
const userProfile = {
  name: 'User', 
  code: 1234

  .then(profile => console.log(profile))
  .catch(err => console.error(err)); 
/* prints

  "userId": "",
  "name": "User",
  "code": 1234,
  "points": 52187,
  "bestScore": 52187,
  "momentId": "abc123",
  "prizes": null,
  "questionsAnswered": 0,
  "roundsPlayed": 0,
  "totalRoundsPlayed": 7,
  "totalQuestionsAnswered": 0


playNewRound(): Promise<Profile>

This function allows a user to play another round of a quiz. It's points are set to 0.

  .then(myOwn => console.log(myOwn))
  .catch(err => console.error(err)); 
/* prints

  "userId": "",
  "name": "User#9265",
  "points": 0,
  "bestScore": 52187,
  "momentId": "abc123",
  "prizes": null,
  "questionsAnswered": 0,
  "roundsPlayed": 1,
  "totalRoundsPlayed": 7,
  "totalQuestionsAnswered": 0


This call should be made BEFORE the round gets played. This call will unlock the n questions a round allows.

Last updated

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