Stagecast Integration API

Version 3.0

Activation discovery

Polling For Active Activations in a workspace


Polls all the currently active activations for a specific workspace.

Path Parameters

[{"_id":"abc-123","name":"Live Quiz"}, ...]

Note: You may use as host for development tests but please use our CDN host for production.

Opening activations in app webview

Note: When you integrate Stagecast into your App WebView, make sure to enable the support for window opening (more on this topic here and here).

Open an activation


This is the URL you give the web view in your app once an activation is launched. If you do not specify the activationId it will load the currently active activation. The deviceId in the path is some unique string.

Some activations, such as voting, relies on the fact that people have some unique identifier. Therefore it is recommended that the app generates a URL-friendly deviceId, store it in persistent storage on the phone and use the same deviceID for each web view opening. This is to give a (at least weak) guarantee that a user will use the same identity for each opening of the activation and may not vote several times (in the case of the voting activation for instance).

Query Parameters


...whatever webview code there is

The workspaceId can be found in the web frontend on for your created workspace. Look in the URL path once you have navigated to your workspace - it is some uuid string such as F5D6E9D6-5F1E-4A43-8348-0DA8BBAA29AF or similar - and replace :workspaceId in the request above with the uuid string you find.

Sample Code Snippets

import UIKit
import WebKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
    @IBOutlet weak var webView: WKWebView!
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        let myURL = URL(string:"")
        let myRequest = URLRequest(url: myURL!)

Opening activations in a browser

Open current activation in a browser


If you do not have an app but want people to join your activations from phone browsers you can redirect them to the homepage. There they can type in the 4-digit room code to join your most recent active activation. In case you are redirecting them from a website and you are in possession of the room code the direct link will be

An example could be

Query Parameters

...whatever webview code there is

Embed in your website

If you want to embed the activations in your website. Just copy-paste the following code snippet where you want it to be displayed. You will have to replace the room code, with the one belonging to your workspace room.

Depending on your implementation, you might have to edit the style property.

    allow="accelerometer; ambient-light-sensor; camera; encrypted-media; geolocation; gyroscope; microphone; midi; vr"
    title="Stagecast Embedded"
    style="width:100vw; height: 100vh; margin: 0;"

Missing a feature? This is the most high-level integration API:s that we encourage people to use. But if you have further requirements, such as needing to extract results and data out of the system, pleae feel free to contact us. We do have more API:s available - they are just not yet published here.

We are working hard to build the best possible product for you. Please let us know in case you are missing a feature and we will be quick to respond. Thank you for your help!

Fill out the Feature Request Form****

Last updated